Why do babies ignore the nonlinguistics aspects of the speech signal?
R// Because infants are born with the ability to perceive just  those sounds that are phonemic in some language.

What does babies babbling consist in?
R// The early babbles consist mainly of repeated consonant, vowel sequences, like mama, gaga, and dada. Later babbles are more varied.

Do deaf  children develop babbling?
R// Deaf children who are exposed at birth to sign languages also produce manual babbling, showing that babbling is a universal first stage in language acquisition that is dependent on the linguistic input received.

What is Holophrastic?
R//  They are expressions with a complex of ideas in a single word or in a fixed phrase.

How do infantas acquire the Phonology?
R//  First the acquire the small set of sounds common to all language regardles of the ambient language, and in later stages acquire the less common sounds of their own language.

How the infantas acquire the Meaning of the words?
R//  The intuitive view is that children look at an object, the mother says a word, and the child connects the sounds with the objects.

How the infants acquire the Morphology?
R// The children´s acquisition of morphology provides some of the clearest evidence of rule learning. Children´s errors in inflectional morphology reveal that the child acquires the regular rules of the grammar and then over applies them. This occurs when children treat irregular verbs and nouns as if they were regukar . We have probably all heard children say bringed, goed,  bringed, goed,  and runned. These mistakes tell us much about children learn langugage because such forms could not arise through imitation.

What is Semantic Bootstrapping?
R// Semantic Bootstrapping is when the children leraning and recognizing semantic elements, one suggestion is the children first use the meaning of a word to figure out its category.

How the infants acquiere the Pragmatics?
R//  Children must learn the appropiate use of language in context, or pragmatics for example: the use of the articles, children do not always respects the pragmatic rule for article, children tends to assume that this listener knows who he is talking about without having established this in a linguistically appropiate way.

Are children sensitive to various linguistic properties?
R// Yes, like stress and phonotactic constraints, and to statistical regularities of the input that enable them to segment the fluent speech that they hear into words. One method of segmenting speech is Prosodic Bootstrapping. Other prosodict bootstrapping method can help the child to learn verb meaning based on syntactic context, syntactic categories based on word meaning.

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